Fixing Power Issues in Plants

#1 Utility Power Issues

Facility Asset Management Software

Public Utility Services measure voltages at points of Distribution. Most likely an anomoly that has developed in the voltage has derived somewhere along the Utility Distribution Path. Voltage disruptions, sags, and surges can occur inside the facility as a result of Industrial Equipment Cycling on and off. Requesting a report card of incoming voltage from the utility provider can fall on deaf ears. Most Facilities experience a variance in voltage daily, if not constantly. These are "Facility" issues most likely needing to be dealt with inside the Facility. The solutions many times can be correcting the Power at the incoming Utility Service Entrance, or at individual affected loads inside the Facility.

Facility Maintenance Costs and Power Quality

A Facility Monthly Maintenance budget is affected by many things related to Power. Power Supplies, Boards, Drives and General Components subject to constant variable voltage, sags, surges , transients and resonance all are consistently affected. 

It is most likely that filtering, conditioning, correcting power within most manufacturing facilities will result in lower monthly maintenance budgets. The payback for the installation of corrective devices varies, but many times are within the First Year. 

Process Interruptions Caused by Power Quality

Process Interruptions, no matter what the Industry are costly. Any process interruption due to a power sag, glitch, flicker, or surge can not only create downtime in your Plant, but also creates parts and component failures.

Most Facility personnel do not address Power Affected Equipment and Parts failures. They may believe it is a normal occurrence and not preventable.

Investment in Power Correction

In relation to Equipment Failures, Parts and Component Replacements, the investment in correcting Power in a Facility has a Low Cost of KW. It also has a high return payback in terms of time.

Asset Lease maturities match up the Capital Equipment Costs of investing in Power Corrective Measures, and can quickly overcome the Costs of Failures and Replacements.

Whole Facility Voltage Correction

There are different levels of return when investing in Correcting Facility Power Issues. A full plant correction system will provide 100% all loads corrected, and hold power voltages at a consistent level. The alternative is to size individual Correction Systems to Equipment located in the Facility, and correct power at the Equipment.

Both ways are successful. A site assessment will be needed to review the Power Distribution Systems, and loads affected in order to provide proper solution proposals.

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